On January 8th, my brother John celebrated his 15th birthday! Besides the few decorations, the day was mostly a typical day (homeschooling with our sister Sarah - they did get to be done a little early).
Our celebrating happened mostly in the evening. My mom's cousin Chris and our great aunt Anna Marie came down to help us celebrate (they were also going to go to Sarah's basketball game the next day, but that ended up getting cancelled). For supper, we just ordered pizza. Then Sarah had basketball practice so our celebrating was delayed for a little while, which ended up taking longer than expected. Once we were all together again, we lit the candles, sang "happy birthday," and enjoyed the German chocolate cake John requested. Presents were opened and we did our usual dollar hunt - where the birthday kid finds the number of $1 bills that you are turning.
The day ended up being a nice way to celebrate a birthday. I am glad that I was able to be home to celebrate my other brother Thomas' 18th birthday on December 16th, which was right at the beginning of my break, and then John's at the end of break.