I did get to making salsa today! I didn't can it though, but hopefully I'll have time to do that tomorrow.
In the garden, I picked about a half the onions. The tops were starting to die out, so I didn't want them to rot in the ground. I also picked about half the carrots. I also picked some tomatoes and peppers. And, I found one more cucumber that will hopefully be good.
I wasn't able to get to the garden until it was almost dark out. And, by the time I got everything picked and took a picture, it was dark out.
My Mom and I started to pick the corn. But, the corn that was planted later, that I thought would be good, didn't look good. It wasn't that it was too overgrown, but that it was a different kind than what we usually plant. My Mom started picking some of the starchy corn for the chickens, but decided that maybe it would be good roasted. So, tomorrow we are going to pick the rest and test it out.
For supper tonight, we had homemade pizza. Today, I put fresh tomatoes in mine, and it was delicious!
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