I grew it in our garden. I followed the directions on the back of the tag. I had a picture of it growing, but it accidentally got deleted.
After it was done growing, I "harvested" my peanuts. I pulled the plant out of the ground and shook the dirt off the plant. I ended up hanging it to dry from a rafter in our basement. I let the plant dry for two weeks.
Then, I pulled the peanuts off the plant and let them dry again. The tag said to let the peanuts dry for another one to two weeks, but I think I ended up letting them dry for three weeks.
You want the peanuts completely dry before you eat them. Once they were dry, I took the peanuts out of the shells.
I rinsed them with water.
I put the peanuts in a pan to roast. I roasted them at 350 degrees. I looked up how to make peanut butter on the computer. So, I was kind of following some instructions. I roasted the peanuts for about 20 min. The recipe said to roast them for 30-35 minuets. But, that was for a larger quantity of peanuts. I think I roasted mine too long.
After the peanuts are roasted and cooled, I took the skins off them.
I wanted to make peanut butter with them. So, I put them in the food processor. I had to process them for a while. I added in some salt while they were in the food processor.
It's getting there.
Good enough!
I tried some on some toast. Store purchased peanut butter is way better. I think I roasted the peanuts too long. It doesn't even look like peanut butter. It needs more salt... and some honey.
I ended up only putting a little on the corner of the toast to try. That way I can say I tried it. But, I ended up putting some "real" peanut butter on the rest.
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