
Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

At Iowa State, we don't get a fall break, so we get a full week off for Thanksgiving.  And, it is actually really nice!
This week I have been doing lots of baking and cooking, relaxing, and hanging out at home.  I have had some homework to do, including a research paper, and I am making it take the entire week to do.

The day before Thanksgiving I made a very large batch of lefsa.  I learned how to make lefsa a couple years ago from my grandma for a 4-H project.  I have now made it a tradition to make lefsa each year for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I will make one big batch and then freeze it in smaller portions.
I think the batch I made this year was the best it has ever turned out for me.  I think the trick is to make sure the surface that you are rolling the lefsa out on is well floured.  I also found that rolling the lefsa out in just an outward motion helps, not to go back-and-forth, and to flip the lefsa over a couple times when rolling it.

For Thanksgiving, we went to my uncle George's, my dad's brother, in Cedar Rapids.  I, of course, brought some lefsa, I made a pumpkin pie (I should have made two), and a pan of apple bars.

We had a relaxing afternoon playing games with my cousin and her husband.

P.S.  I will be back with a few Christmas cookie recipes!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Living in the Den

Since I didn't decide to attend Iowa State this fall until May and didn't register for campus housing until then, I was put in interim housing - a residence hall den.  The university didn't have enough housing for everyone (even though I know they could have made room and put more people in dorm rooms), so they started putting us late registers in the dens.

We are only supposed to be in the dens for the first semester.  It is up to us to find where we are going to live next semester.  At first, it was stressful thinking that I was going to have to find a place to live, and once you find a place they have you move out quickly.  But, since we can stay in the dens till the end of the semester, why not just stay there until then since everything is working out fine with the roommates?  At the end of the semester there will be people moving out and others switching rooms.  So, there are going to be openings for us and for us to stay right on our same floor!

Luckily, I think I know where I am going to be moving to next semester... right down the hall!

I really like the residence hall that I am in and the location of it on campus.

Living in the den hasn't been all that bad.  It is a bit more crowded... with 4 girls living in one pretty small room - but it isn't too bad.  I basically have my own little corner, where no one else has to go through.  I find that I have quite a bit of storage space, or at least enough.  I have my own dresser, a little hanging space, and a storage area above the hanging space, plus the drawers in my desk.

Another plus to being in the den is that we are offered a free tutor for a class of our choice!  It is the university's way of saying they understand that being in the den can be stressful.

My mom made me this super cute bunting.  Thanks Mom!

On my dresser, I have 2 baskets.  One is for my bathroom stuff and the other is for extra notebooks, folders, and that sort of stuff.

Next to my dresser I have 2 crates, my laundry bag, and my yoga mat that I sometimes roll out to stretch on.
I got the laundry bag at TJ Maxx and I love it - it is so cute!  It has been a bit floppy lately though.

The top crate mostly has cleaning things in it - detergent, dish soap, garbage bags, and paper towels just to name a few things.

And, in the bottom crate, I have some baking supplies!  There isn't a kitchen in my residence hall, only a kitchenette, which is a counter space with a kitchen sink and microwave.  But, in a residence hall next to me, there is an unlocked door, so I can get into there kitchen.  I have used that a couple times.  In my baking crate I have a some flour, sugar, chocolate chips of course, and more.

This is my desk.  I sit here a lot.
I keep my books, notebooks, folders on the top shelf, along with a weekly dry erase calendar.
In 2 of the drawers on my desk, I keep lots of random school supplies (markers, pens, paper clips, etc.).  In another drawer I keep cords for my laptop and phone.  And, in another, have beauty supplies - lotion, make-up, extra kleenexes, ect.

Next to my desk, I have my fridge with another crate on top that is filled with food!

Here is my little hanging area with some storage area above.  This hanging space isn't in my little corner, but behind the door. 

That is my little corner back there!

Sometimes I do wish that I had more than a corner to live in, but I guess this is what I've got.

I like to try to keep my place clean and organized.  I have been making my bed every morning because it is way nicer to get into a nicely made bed at night.  It is hard to make a bunk bed though.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Honey Wheat Bread

I have been finding myself with a bit of free time... so, I look at recipes.  And, then I want to make everything... but, I can't.
This last weekend I went home from college.  It was a short visit, but it was so nice.  I have been home four times now since coming to college.  This last time was the longest I have been ever been  away from home - one month. 
I got home Friday afternoon and made supper.  Then, right away Saturday morning I started baking.  And, I baked so much that I didn't even get out of my pajamas until it was time to go to bed!

The is one of my two favorite honey wheat sandwich bread recipes.  I blogged my other favorite here.  There isn't much difference in the recipes besides that this one has canola oil and the other one has butter.  Also, I make them differently.  This one I make in an electric stand mixer with a hook attachment and the other one I make in a large mixing bowl with my hands/spoon/electric hand mixer.

This bread is super easy to make and having soft, fresh bread is so delicious!

Adjusting to college is getting better.  At first, college was overwhelming, but now it feels a lot better.  My dorm is starting to feel like home.  I am still counting down until Thanksgiving break though... only two more weeks left!  I have been really in the mood for Thanksgiving and even CHRISTMAS!  I think it is the being at home, baking, decorations, and just coziness that I am looking forward to.

Honey Wheat Bread
Adapted from:  lifeingrace

2 cups warm water
1/3 cup canola oil
1/3 cup honey
1 T. yeast
1 t. salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
about 5 cups all-purpose flour (add until the dough pulls away from the sides and is no longer sticky)

Pour 2 cups warm water into mixing bowl (of electric stand mixer with hook attachment).
Add oil then honey.
Start mixer on low.
Then add yeast, salt, and 2 cups whole wheat flour.
After mixed, start to add white flour, until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and is no longer sticky to the touch.
Knead 5 - 10 minutes.
Put dough in an oiled bowl to rise.
After doubled, divide it into 2 loaves and shape.  I sometimes make just one big loaf using 3/4 of the dough.
Put into loaf pans and let rise.
Bake at 375 degrees from 25 - 30 minutes.
